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Reusable Pads & Menstrual Hygiene Kits

PSC 392, Spring 2020, Group #13

Image by Ninno JackJr

Our Mission

We seek to provide accessible, culturally-conscious, and sustainable menstrual products to women and girls in rural Jinja, Uganda. We hope to educate school girls on menstrual health and hygiene management, as well as, empower local women by providing economic opportunity.   

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Jinja, Uganda

Jinja is home to about 500,000 citizens in Southeastern Uganda with women making up 49% of the population. About 320,000 of its citizens are living in rural communities with little to no electricity or running water. One of the main industries in Jinja is breweries. With the Nile River located close by, The Nile Brewery provides jobs for its citizens and pumps revenue into Jinja's economy. 

The Problem

Women and girls in communities in rural Uganda face many compounding problems surrounding menstruation. In particular, adolescent girls drop out of school at a high rate out of fear and confusion about their bodies. There is also lack of eduction surrounding puberty and how to handle one's period as well as social shaming. A woman's access to resources such as education and hygienic pads can directly impact their ability for overall success.

Our Solution

Our solution is to both address the lack of eduction present in these communities as well as the lack of physical resources. We each designed our own reusable pad in order to address sanitation and hygiene in the communities. We are pairing our pads with educational videos and brochures to assure that information is accessible. Our long term goal is to have the materials all locally sourced and the products being manufactured in the communities. We believe that access to education and safer products will help to empower these women and put them on a trajectory for success. 




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